How to Install Super Stroke Putter Grip

How to Install Super Stroke Putter Grip

Installing a Super Stroke putter grip is a relatively straightforward process that can greatly improve your putting game. These grips are known for their innovative designs and comfortable feel, and by following the steps below, you can easily install one on your putter. In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing a Super Stroke putter grip step by step.

There are 5 Process of Installing Super Stroke Putter Grip

Tools and Materials Needed

Before you begin the installation process, make sure you have the following tools and materials on hand:

  • Super Stroke putter grip
  • Double-sided grip tape
  • Solvent (mineral spirits or grip solvent)
  • A utility knife or grip tape stripping tool
  • A vice or a helping hand (optional but recommended)
  • A towel or rag

Remove the Old Grip

Before you can install your new Super Stroke putter grip, you need to remove the old grip from your putter. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Secure your putter in a vice or have someone hold it firmly to prevent it from moving during the grip removal process.
  • Use a utility knife or grip tape stripping tool to cut and peel away the old grip from the shaft.
  • Once you’ve removed the old grip, clean any residual adhesive or grip tape from the shaft using a towel or rag and some solvent.

Prepare the Shaft

To ensure a secure and durable installation, you need to prepare the shaft properly. Here’s How:

  • Check the shaft’s cleanliness. It should be free of any dirt, grease, or old adhesive.
  • Apply a small amount of solvent to a clean cloth and wipe down the shaft to remove any remaining residue.
  • Let the shaft dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

Apply Double-Sided Grip Tape

Double-sided grip tape is crucial for creating a strong bond between the grip and the shaft. Follow these steps to apply the grip tape:

  • Cut two strips of double-sided grip tape to the length of the putter grip.
  • Remove the backing from one side of the grip tape and wrap it tightly around the shaft.
  • Repeat the process with the second strip of grip tape, ensuring even coverage.
  • Smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles in the tape for a secure fit.

Install the Super Stroke Putter Grip

Now, it’s time to install the Super Stroke putter grip:

  • Pour a small amount of grip solvent into the open end of the putter grip.
  • Swirl the grip to evenly distribute the solvent inside.
  • Quickly slide the grip onto the prepared shaft, making sure it aligns properly with the clubface.
  • Push the grip all the way onto the shaft until it’s snug against the clubhead.
  • Check the alignment once more to ensure it’s straight.
  • Allow the grip to dry and set for at least 24 hours.


How do I remove my old putter grip before installing a Superstroke grip?

To remove your old putter grip, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Secure your putter in a vice or have someone hold it firmly to prevent movement during the grip removal process.
  • Use a utility knife or grip tape stripping tool to carefully cut and peel away the old grip from the shaft. Start at the top of the grip and work your way down.
  • Once you’ve removed the old grip, clean any remaining adhesive or grip tape residue from the shaft using a towel or rag and a solvent like mineral spirits or grip solvent. 
  • Ensure the shaft is clean and dry before proceeding with the installation of your Super Stroke grip.

Can I install a Super Stroke putter grip without using grip tape?

While it’s possible to install a Super Stroke putter grip without grip tape, it’s not recommended. Grip tape provides essential adhesion and ensures a secure bond between the grip and the shaft. Without grip tape, the grip may rotate or slip during use, compromising your putting performance. To achieve the best results and long-lasting stability, always use double-sided grip tape when installing your Super Stroke putter grip.

Do I need a vice or special equipment to install a Super Stroke putter grip?

While having a vice or special grip installation tools can be helpful, they are not strictly necessary. However, they can make the installation process more manageable and precise. If you don’t have access to a vice, you can ask a friend to hold the putter firmly during the installation. Additionally, using a utility knife or grip tape stripping tool is recommended for removing the old grip and ensuring a clean surface on the shaft. If you’re a serious golfer, investing in a vice and the proper tools can be a worthwhile long-term investment to maintain your golf equipment effectively.


Installing a Super Stroke putter grip can significantly improve your putting performance by providing a comfortable and secure grip. By following these steps and taking your time during the installation process, you can enjoy the benefits of a properly installed Super Stroke grip on your putter. Remember to let the grip set for the recommended time before using it on the course to ensure a strong bond between the grip and the shaft.